Struggling with the immense pain of a falling tooth? And don’t know how to pull a tooth at home. In this article, I will explain the complete process, risks, and major aspects to take into consideration in the controversial matter of the extraction of a tooth at home.
Tooth extraction is a dental procedure that is performed in a medical setting that involves the removal of a tooth from the jawbone. Although the general recommendation is to have a dentist perform this procedure, there may be some cases where you might have to make a decision to extract a tooth at home.
Signs That Indicate When a Tooth Needs to Be Pulled Out
Finding out whether or not a tooth has to be taken out is a critical thing you have to be aware of. Here are some straightforward signs that might indicate you have to evacuate your tooth:
- Visible Movement
- Big Hole Or Break in a Tooth
- Gum Recession
- Very Loose Tooth
- Swollen Gums
- Problems with Wisdom Teeth
- Ongoing Pain
- Infection
Visible Movement
A tooth that wiggles easily and noticeably indicates that it has loosened sufficiently from the gums and surrounding tissues.
Big Hole or Break in a Tooth
If your teeth have a hole or break apart, you might need to get the tooth pulled out that tooth immediately.
Gum Recession
Gum recession happens when the sorrounding tissues decay and cannot hold teeth in their grasp.
Very Loose Tooth
When you see a mobile or very loose tooth, you may need to extract it.
Swollen Gums
If your gums are swollen and they are so loose that the tooth is about to fall out, then removal might be the case.
Ongoing Pain
If you experience intense pain in your tooth or mouth area, it is an indication that the tooth might need to be removed.
Your tooth or the area around it (abscessed) is the place where, with that in mind, only people with food addiction can be treated for the other typeof food.
Don’t forget that only a dentist can tell you if a tooth is a real candidate for removal. If any or all of the above warnings are anything for you, it is important to schedule an appointment for your dentist check-up.
Preparatory Activities Before Attempting Tooth Pulling
If you are willing to push your tooth with an extraction method in your home, make sure that all precautions are taken properly. Here are some guidelines with materials that are required to attempt your tooth pulling:
- Wash Hands
- Gauze & Ice Packs
- Tweezers or Dental Floss
- Clean Area
- Warm Saltwater
- Pain Relief Medication
- Mouthwash
- Arrange Help
Wash Hands
The most important step before following the procedure is to wash your hands with soap and water rigidly.
Gauze & Ice Packs
You need to have a clean towel or gauze with you. It will provide you with a firm grip. And it will surely prevent the slipping of your tooth during the process. In addition, gauze, cotton balls, and ice packs must be placed in an accessible place.
Tweezers or Dental Floss
The second thing on the list is having a sterile tweezer or a dental floss. With these tools, griping of the tooth becomes firm, and they also come in handy in removing it in the first place. In addition, these equipment items used should be disinfected properly.
Clean Area
Choose an area that is neat and clean for you to perform this dental extraction process.
Warm Saltwater
After floss you need to have a warm saltwater. It is required to rinse and cleanse your mouth before and after the tooth extraction. Further, they play a vital role in reducing the risks of getting infected.
Pain Relief Medication
One of the most important things for your tooth extraction is to have a medication that can provide you with instant relief after your tooth extraction. These over-the-counter painkillers are used for soreness.
An antiseptic mouthwash is required to rinse your mouth after extraction. The mouth area should be washed thoroughly with an antiseptic mouthwash after every use. Further, these mouthwashes provide cleanliness and prevent infection.
Arrange Help
Arrange for a person to help you if you can so that he may take you to a dentist or healthcare professional in case of any complications.
Tools And Supplies Required For Pulling The Tooth
Here is a list of items that you need to have readily available to you. These items, tools, and supplies are essential to extract a tooth by yourself at your home:
- Sterilized gauze, clean cloth, or cotton balls
- Mild antiseptic mouthwash
- A push point clean floss
- Mirror
- Ice pack
- Medication for over-the-counter pain relief
- Salt for saltwater rinse
- Clean cloth and towel
How To Pull A Tooth At Home: A Step-By-Step Guide on How to Painlessly Extract a Loose Tooth?
If you will go through with pulling a loose tooth at home, then follow the following steps carefully to be successful:
First of all, make sure you wash your hands, particularly the teeth and gums, for about 40 seconds using a solid soap that leaves no particles on your hands.
After mouth and teeth washing, you will need to use a mouthwash to freshen your mouth. Twist the tooth slowly to a complimentary position where it is loose enough to fall out.
Take a clean agent in your hand to grab the tooth and wiggle it back and forth. Apply even pressure to the tooth while applying a gentle and discrete turning motion.
In case when the tooth can’t be pulled out immediately, pause and then consider the next action. Afterward, you have to plug the opening with a sterile and clean resource such as gauze to stop the bleeding after taking out the tooth.
The first thing you need to do is rinse with warm salt water in your mouth 48 hours after surgery. Place the ice pack over the impacted region in order to cut off the flow of blood and reduce the swallowing.
Other Methods to Extract Stubborn Teeth Without Surgery
If in case teeth are not ready to come out, these are the alternative methods to consider that will answer all your questions related to How To Pull A Tooth Out Adults At Home:
The tooth will naturally come if it becomes loose. You can even begin removing it by wiggling it barely and gradually until it becomes more and more loose. If you can tolerate hard things, take a bite of an apple to help dislodge the tooth.
Hold one end of a piece of waxed or non-waxed dental floss against the gum tissue just below the last contact with the tooth and move it back and forth in a sawing motion to remove the food or bacteria that are caught between the teeth and the gum.
Lay a crunchy apple on your hand, have every single tooth in its bite, and then use the apple to help the area relax and the tooth becomes loose. Once the tooth has been dislodged for some time and has been pushed back and forth, place your finger inside and make the tooth out by pressing it gently through the jaws with your tongue up and down.
How To Pull A Tooth At Home: Aftercare Tips For Tooth Pulling
The aftercare after pulling a tooth is of very high importance. For that reason, follow these pieces of advice:
- Chew the pad or the gauze that you are given for 45 minutes or less to keep it in place to prevent bleeding.
- Apply ice to help ease discomfort.
- In the first 24 hours after the extraction of the tooth, sipping water should be avoided.
- Clean the site with warm saltwater.
- Keep the rest of your mouth out of the way when you chew the foods by eating soft ones.
- Do not drink or use a straw for the first 24 hours.
- In order to alleviate symptoms, you can take over-the-counter medications
- The physical activity should not be as strong or vigorous for the next few days.
- Try avoiding eating hard food after the extraction of your teeth.
- Rinse with saltwater multiple times a day.
- Be cautious while brushing around the area, and make sure to use smooth movements.
- Follow up with your dentist in case your pain persists, and the bleeding never stops.
- After extracting a loose tooth at home, proper post-extraction care is crucial for promoting healing and minimizing discomfort. Here are some essential tips:
Different Types of Teeth and Their Extraction Difficulty
All teeth, of course, are not equally made and hence cannot be removed with the same level of difficulty. The success of the extraction depends on the nature of the teeth being extracted:
- Incisors
- Canines
- Premolars
- Molars
- Wisdom Teeth
- Incisors
The front teeth are usually pulled out by dentists for easy extraction.
Although these teeth have long roots and are mainly pointed ones, these types of teeth have proved to be more challenging.
A pair of them, in the bit, are behind the canines, so the process of extraction goes between easy and challenging.
The teeth that are in the back of the mouth and possess more than a single crown, especially one with two crown-types teeth. They are more difficult compared to other tooth types.
Wisdom Teeth
These are usually the most difficult to extract and have the possibility to be extracted by the dentist only.
The Role of the Natural Process of Losing Baby Teeth
The concept of natural baby tooth shedding will help you look at whether the action will be necessary:
The permanent teeth mold gradually emerges and pushes to make the baby teeth lose since their rooting is over the later growth stage. The root of the primary teeth is absorbed so that they eventually hang on just to the tissue that empties.
At the expiration of its sustainability phase, teeth gained to the intended area of the mouth become more and more wobbly; this makes sure the root is dissolved. The primary out should come out by itself without involving additional discomfort, such that only external circulation is necessary.
This phase takes place between 6 and 12 years of age, as the most common result of this is the replacement of the primary teeth by the permanent ones.
- Signs of Infection After Tooth Extraction
- It’s necessary to be aware of signs of infection after the tooth is done with:
- An unchanging or increasing pain
- Inflammation, which increases within 2-3 days
- A symptom of fever, shivering, and cold
- It may give naturally occurring aridity in the oral cavity
- Pus or drainage from the empty socket
- Flexible mouth aperture
- Long-time bleeding
Natural Remedies to Aid in Tooth Extraction and Healing
While not a substitute for proper dental care, some natural remedies may support the extraction process and healing: How To Pull Out A Tooth Without Pain At Home?
For this, you need to drink plenty of water as it is evenly related to the rest of the body. Further, it is a treatment for removing the infection. Furthermore, Clove oil has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of oil. In addition, to the clove oil, Aloe vera extract could be already of use in curative practice. This can be used not only in the treatment of wounds but also in cosmetic care. Then comes chamomile tea can aid in reducing swelling and calming nerves, thus promoting relaxation. Moreover, Vitamin C is essential for good health, tissue repair, and the absorption of iron in the iron dietary materials, etc.
The Importance of Proper Oral Hygiene in Preventing Tooth Problems
Good oral hygiene is the main prevention of such problems and the oral hindrance that can be solved today. Exclusive oral maintenance boosts the immunity of tooth defenses. Further, it helps in the treatment and prevention of other diseases that can come as infections from poor dental health. This simply can be maintained by:
- Brushing teeth a minimum of two times a day with fluoride toothpaste.
- Flossing once a day to remove plaque between teeth.
- Mouth rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash to get rid of bacteria.
- Decrease junk sugar and citrus foods and drinks.
- Avoid tobacco products.
- Go for your regular check-ups and cleanups to the dentist.
If any dental infections or injuries are taking quick steps rather than letting them lie will prevent them from becoming worse.
Significance Of Diet In Your Dental Health
Dietary habits are substantial also since they play a major role in teeth and gum health:
- Calcium-Rich Foods
- Vitamin D
- Fruits And Vegetables
- Vitamin C
- Water
- Sugary Or Acidic Food
Calcium-Rich Foods
Make a habit of eating calcium-rich food. These include yogurt, salmon with bones, and a glass of milk are essential things to enhance both bone and tooth strength.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is another souce for protecting your teeth. It can be effective for calcium absorption by your body. Thus, it plays a major role in strengthening teeth are a success in the body.
Fruits And Vegetables
After vitamin D comes eating fruits and vegetables. These include mango, cauliflower, and cloves. These food items act as natural remedies that protect your teeth and boost your oral hygiene.
Vitamin C
Here is yet another mineral that is crucial to your oral health. Oranges or other natural sources of vitamin C have the tendency to keep your gums and teeth healthy.
One of the most essential elements in keeping your oral hygiene to the top is to drink plenty of water. Drinking plenty of water makes your mouth clean of remnants of food and bacteria. Further, it will wash away any of the food items with it. Furthermore, drinking water will eventually boost your oral hygiene and reduce your tooth decay.
Sugary Or Acidic Food
The last of the list of items is reducing and limiting sugary and acidic food items. These food items can trigger oral problems along with other issues in your body. Sugary and acidic food is not recommended by dentists as it boosts the process of tooth decay.
How to Reduce Pain When Removing a Tooth?
Here are some of the most effective ways that can aid in reducing tooth extraction pain:
- Use Ice
- Consulted Pain Medicine
- Use a Special Cream
- Relax for a Moment
Use Ice
Place the ice on the area for two minutes. This can be done as it will first cause numbness of the place and then, you can start pulling the tooth out. Alternatively, you can eat ice cream from time to time to soothe the affected area.
Consulted Pain Medicine
Take the medicine for pain prescribed by your doctor. You can take this medicine even before and after the removal of your tooth.
Use a Special Cream
Some medicated creams are readily available in the market and play a vital role in soothing the pain of your teeth. Apply these special numbness gel on the effected tooth. Consider it an alternative to dental procedures for the damaged teeth causing pain.
Relax for a Moment
One of the most cost-effective methods for mitigating dental pain is to breathe deeply and relax. Attempt to settle your body and mind so that it gets distracted from the pain to other matters.
It goes without saying that the most secure method for the extraction of a tooth is visiting a dentist. However, if necessary, you may consider these tips to help you do it correctly and more comfortably.
When To Seek Help From A Dentist?
Your tooth has not become loose, and instead of falling, it stays still in its place. The only thing that needs to be avoided is using your hand to extract it. This would be the start of a toothache. Damaged teeth, require dentists for the removal of deep-rooted teeth.
- Abnormal Conditions
- Breaking Of Teeth
- Infection
Abnormal Conditions
In this case, you need to call on the doctor if you are in a lot of pain and there is a lot of blood. This is an abnormal condition. They are the ones who can prescribe you medication that helps you to get rid of the toothache.
Breaking Of Teeth
In other cases, if your tooth falls out as you are trying to extract it it might lead to a break. As soon as this occurs, consult your dentist immediately so that they can remove the branches and prevent your jaw from getting infected.
Mind the symptoms of infection. Sometimes, you might encounter a fever, swelling, or the drainage of pus from the affected area where the tooth is. In case of these, find the dentist as soon as possible.
My advice for every patient who is thinking about pulling a tooth out: to make sure one is not interested in information only, it is best to confer with a dentist. In addition, they will give you an explanation of how the procedure is carried out and also, may also provide some comforting words to help you.
How To Ease A Toothache At Home?
A common question among adults and kids is how to reduce dental pain? To answer this, we bring you some of the essential items that play a major role in boosting your oral hygiene, thus reducing pain in general. Please note that these homemade remedies provide temporary relief.
- Wheatgrass
- Cloves
- Guava Leaves
- Thyme
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Vanilla Extract
- Toothache Plant
- Saltwater Rinse
- Cold Compress
- Clove
- Peppermint Tea
- Garlic
Wheatgrass is famous for offering anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. Wheatgrass can be consumed as a drink or used as a mouthwash. Thanks to its chlorophyll, which fights bacteria.
Cloves are the best alternative for pain relief. They are used as an age-old trick for lessening toothache. It covers the pain-relieving properties of clove and clove oil. Further, you can use it directly or use its oil to apply to the affected teeth.
Guava Leaves
Guava leaves contain anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, making them the most suitable alternative to get rid of toothache. You need to chew fresh leaves or boil them in hot water and gargle with them.
Thyme offers powerful antibacterial and antioxidant properties for toothache. They fight mouth bacteria and reduce the speed of tooth decay. To apply you need to mix the thyme oil with other oil to apply on the affected areas of containing toothache.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is yet another solution for toothache. It gives instant relief from inflammation and pain. It is also beneficial for bleeding gums. Do not swallow it.
Vanilla Extract
Vanilla contains alcohol, which is used to numb the affected area. It contains antioxidants with healing properties. To use this remedy, you need to apply a small amount of vanilla to a cotton ball and place it on the affected area for some time. You will feel the difference.
Toothache Plant
As the name suggests, the toothache plant has anti-inflammatory properties that offer numbness and reduce sensations in the teeth.
Saltwater Rinse
The most common remedy for reducing toothache is to rinse saltwater and gargle with it. Saltwater’s proven antibacterial properties instantly relieve pain and kill bacteria, increasing toothache.
Cold Compress
A cold compress is another cheap remedy for toothache. In this process, you need to apply a cold press to the affected area and it will constrict the blood vessels. With this, the overall pain in the affected area is reduced, providing you with relief. In addition, the cold will also aid in reducing the inflammation of the affected area. The overall impact of this remedy will remain for several hours.
The most natural home remedy to reduce the overall pain and inflammation of the affected area is by using clove. You can use its oil to witness the same results. The process for using clove oil with other carrier oil. Carrier oil includes sunflower and jojoba oil. You need to mix the clove oil with carrier oil and put it on the cotton and place it on the affected area. Leave it for some time and repeat this process for several days.
Peppermint Tea
Peppermint tea is yet another remedy for toothache. Mix peppermint with hot water and gargle, or swish it in your mouth. It brings an instant relief to your toothache.
For thousands of years, garlic has been recognized and used for its medicinal properties. It also has antibacterialTrusted Source properties. Not only can it kill harmful bacteriaTrusted Source that causes dental plaque, but it can also act as a pain reliever.
To use garlic on a toothache, crush a garlic clove to create a paste and apply it to the affected area. You may wish to add a tiny bit of salt. Alternatively, you can slowly chew a clove of fresh garlic.
When Should You Pull Out Your Tooth at Home or Visit a Dentist?
How To Pull A Tooth At Home For this it is highly recommended by most dental practitioners to go to a dentist for tooth extraction. They possess the necessary knowledge, tools, and a sterile environment, as the operation can be done safely only by such professionals. However, in certain cases, Emergency Tooth Extraction At Home can be done in these cases:
- Baby teeth that are loose and about to fall out naturally
- First aid situations when personal dental care is not professional immediately
- Economic problems that deny access to dental care
- One should remember that trying to pull a tooth at home can be harmful.
- One must always consider it as the last option.
Is The Tooth Fairy Real?
No, there is no such tooth fairy. It is a myth that is connected to your child’s very first tooth expedition. In reality, parents play the role of tooth fairy to distract their kids from the tooth pain.
Frequently Asked Questions
One of the most common and widely used methods to pull a tooth at home is to gently wiggle and rotate the tooth. Do not pull the tooth straight, as it will cause much more pain.
Yes, anyone can pull their tooth at home, but it will only cause pain and serious complications. But if you are more interested in getting your tooth pulled pain-free, then consulting a dentist is far more reasonable.
For adults, removing a tooth at home is not recommended. Consulting a medical professional is the best possible solution for a pain-free experience.
The time frame for a tooth to fall out varies from a few weeks to a few months. In this time frame, the tooth comes out naturally. For those who are facing periodontal issues, a tooth can take anywhere from 6.8 months to fall out.
Yes, removing a dead tooth is easy and simple. This is known to be a painless process where the patient receives local anesthesia from the dentist while pulling the dead tooth.
Yes, but it is recommended to eat foods that are light and soft, such as ice cream and bread. You need to avoid crunchy and spicy foods.
Contacting your dentist is dependent on some cases, such as if you experience bleeding, pain, swelling, or the healing process of your teeth takes too much time.
The teeth which are the most painful to remove are molars. It includes wisdom teeth. The process becomes challenging and painful while extracting these teeth due to the infection and inflammation.
The time taken for the healing process depends upon the individual’s body’s healing process. In some cases, it takes two to three days and it is observed it might take several weeks to heal the tooth extraction site.
There are many reasons why a loose tooth is still attached to your jaw. Some of the reasons include injury, teeth grinding, hormonal changes, or gum recession.
You can forget about the pain in your tooth by using some of these items that must be approved by your dentist. Hot pack, cold compress, regular brushing with medicated toothpaste, flossing, using pain medication, or using oral gel.